Defending Your Custody Agreement: Protecting Your Education Choices

Defending Your Custody Agreement: Protecting Your Education Choices

  • Facing DUI Charges? Here Are Reasons To Seek Attorney Representation

    Driving under the influence (DUI) is a criminal offense for operating a vehicle after taking drugs, alcohol, or any other substance that can affect your ability to make rational decisions. Being arrested for DUI charges can be a confusing and scary experience because it may mean serving jail time or paying huge fines. Thus, the first thing to do when arrested is to call legal professionals — such as the Law Offices of Jonathan Steele — instead of saying or doing anything that might affect your case.

  • 4 Occasions When You Should Consider Hiring A Construction Litigation Lawyer

    No matter how well you plan, sometimes construction projects just don't go as intended. In these cases, it may be necessary to seek legal recourse to protect your interests. This is where a construction litigation lawyer comes in. A construction litigation lawyer is an attorney who specializes in resolving construction disputes. For instance, if you're a contractor who is not being paid for your work or a homeowner who is dealing with subpar construction work, these professionals can help you recover damages or rectify the situation.

  • Can You Sue For Your Slip And Fall Injury?

    Were you involved in a slip and fall accident while on someone else's property? You're likely wondering if you have a valid personal injury case on your hand where you can sue the property owner. Here are some questions you likely have about this legal situation. When Is A Property Owner Liability For A Personal Injury? When determining if you have a valid lawsuit on your hands, you need to determine if the property owner could be considered liable.

  • Understanding The More Subtle Indications Of Nursing Home Abuse

    When you have a loved one in a nursing home, it's natural to worry about the care they are receiving and to want to ensure that they are supported, cared for, and treated with dignity. Unfortunately, that's not always the case. That's why it's important that you learn to recognize the more subtle signs of nursing home abuse. After all, nursing home abuse isn't always physical, so there may not be bruises or physical marks.

  • What Can Your Car Accident Attorney Do After You Are In A Rear-End Accident?

    Arguments about who was responsible for an automobile accident are prevalent following a rear-end collision, which is one of the most common. In the event of a rear-end accident, how may the other driver be held liable? There is a multitude of ways in which your car accident attorney might show negligence in rear-end collisions. 1. A Report From the Police on the Speed and Location of the Vehicle  If you're engaged in an automobile accident, get a copy of the police report.

About Me

Defending Your Custody Agreement: Protecting Your Education Choices

When my ex-husband decided to contest my choice to homeschool our children, I knew that I had to defend my right as the custodial parent. Our custody agreement gave me authority over educational decisions, but he still took me to court. I spent a lot of time working with an attorney to find out how best to handle it, and I did a lot of research on the laws as they applied. If you're trying to defend your educational choices amidst your divorce, this site may help. I've built it to share everything I learned and explain the process that I went through to secure my rights.
